
class CandyTooltipItem(properties: Item.Properties, val candyTranslationString: CandyTranslationString) : Item(source)

Overridden Item class with a modified Hover Tooltip to show Hunger translation string, what tied Mob Effect, and always eat string


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constructor(properties: Item.Properties, candyTranslationString: CandyTranslationString)


Inherited properties

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val craftingRemainingItem: Item?


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open override fun appendHoverText(itemStack: ItemStack, tooltipContext: Item.TooltipContext, list: MutableList<Component>, tooltipFlag: TooltipFlag)

Overrides Item's appendHoverText to add more things in it, notably Hunger translation string, tied Mob Effect if there is one, and Always Eat string

Inherited functions

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open fun allowComponentsUpdateAnimation(player: Player, hand: InteractionHand, oldStack: ItemStack, newStack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun allowContinuingBlockBreaking(player: Player, oldStack: ItemStack, newStack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open override fun asItem(): Item
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open fun builtInRegistryHolder(): Holder.Reference<Item>
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open fun canAttackBlock(state: BlockState, level: Level, pos: BlockPos, player: Player): Boolean
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open fun canBeEnchantedWith(stack: ItemStack, enchantment: Holder<Enchantment>, context: EnchantingContext): Boolean
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open fun components(): DataComponentMap
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open fun finishUsingItem(stack: ItemStack, level: Level, livingEntity: LivingEntity): ItemStack
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open fun getAttackDamageBonus(target: Entity, damage: Float, damageSource: DamageSource): Float
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open fun getBarColor(stack: ItemStack): Int
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open fun getBarWidth(stack: ItemStack): Int
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open fun getBreakingSound(): SoundEvent
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open fun getDefaultAttributeModifiers(): ItemAttributeModifiers
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open fun getDefaultInstance(): ItemStack
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open fun getDescription(): Component
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open fun getDescriptionId(stack: ItemStack): String
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open fun getDestroySpeed(stack: ItemStack, state: BlockState): Float
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open fun getDrinkingSound(): SoundEvent
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open fun getEatingSound(): SoundEvent
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open fun getName(stack: ItemStack): Component
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open fun getRecipeRemainder(stack: ItemStack): ItemStack
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open fun getTooltipImage(stack: ItemStack): Optional<TooltipComponent>
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open fun getUseAnimation(stack: ItemStack): UseAnim
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open fun getUseDuration(stack: ItemStack, entity: LivingEntity): Int
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open fun hurtEnemy(stack: ItemStack, target: LivingEntity, attacker: LivingEntity): Boolean
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open fun interactLivingEntity(stack: ItemStack, player: Player, interactionTarget: LivingEntity, usedHand: InteractionHand): InteractionResult
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open fun inventoryTick(stack: ItemStack, level: Level, entity: Entity, slotId: Int, isSelected: Boolean)
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open fun isBarVisible(stack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun isComplex(): Boolean
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open fun isCorrectToolForDrops(stack: ItemStack, state: BlockState): Boolean
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open fun isEnabled(enabledFeatures: FeatureFlagSet): Boolean
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open fun isEnchantable(stack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun isFoil(stack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun isValidRepairItem(stack: ItemStack, repairCandidate: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun mineBlock(stack: ItemStack, level: Level, state: BlockState, pos: BlockPos, miningEntity: LivingEntity): Boolean
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open fun onCraftedBy(stack: ItemStack, level: Level, player: Player)
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open fun onCraftedPostProcess(stack: ItemStack, level: Level)
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open fun onDestroyed(itemEntity: ItemEntity)
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open fun onUseTick(level: Level, livingEntity: LivingEntity, stack: ItemStack, remainingUseDuration: Int)
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open fun overrideOtherStackedOnMe(stack: ItemStack, other: ItemStack, slot: Slot, action: ClickAction, player: Player, access: SlotAccess): Boolean
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open fun overrideStackedOnOther(stack: ItemStack, slot: Slot, action: ClickAction, player: Player): Boolean
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open fun postHurtEnemy(stack: ItemStack, target: LivingEntity, attacker: LivingEntity)
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open fun releaseUsing(stack: ItemStack, level: Level, livingEntity: LivingEntity, timeCharged: Int)
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open override fun requiredFeatures(): FeatureFlagSet
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open override fun toString(): String
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open fun use(level: Level, player: Player, usedHand: InteractionHand): InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack>
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open fun useOn(context: UseOnContext): InteractionResult
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open fun useOnRelease(stack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun verifyComponentsAfterLoad(stack: ItemStack)