
class StairBlock(baseBlockState: BlockState, properties: BlockBehaviour.Properties) : StairBlock(source)

Normal Fence Gate Block class, inheriting from Vanilla's FenceGateBlock


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constructor(baseBlockState: BlockState, properties: BlockBehaviour.Properties)

Inherited functions

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open fun animateTick(state: BlockState, level: Level, pos: BlockPos, random: RandomSource)
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open fun appendHoverText(stack: ItemStack, context: Item.TooltipContext, tooltipComponents: MutableList<Component>, tooltipFlag: TooltipFlag)
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open override fun asItem(): Item
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open fun builtInRegistryHolder(): Holder.Reference<Block>
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open override fun canPlaceLiquid(@Nullable player: Player?, level: BlockGetter, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, fluid: Fluid): Boolean
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open override fun codec(): MapCodec<out StairBlock>
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fun defaultBlockState(): BlockState
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open fun defaultMapColor(): MapColor
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open fun destroy(level: LevelAccessor, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState)
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open fun dropFromExplosion(explosion: Explosion): Boolean
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open fun fallOn(level: Level, state: BlockState, pos: BlockPos, entity: Entity, fallDistance: Float)
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open fun getAppearance(state: BlockState, renderView: BlockAndTintGetter, pos: BlockPos, side: Direction, @Nullable sourceState: @Nullable BlockState?, @Nullable sourcePos: @Nullable BlockPos?): BlockState
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open fun getCloneItemStack(level: LevelReader, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState): ItemStack
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open override fun getExplosionResistance(): Float
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open fun getFriction(): Float
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open fun getJumpFactor(): Float
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fun getLootTable(): ResourceKey<LootTable>
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open fun getName(): MutableComponent
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open override fun getPickupSound(): Optional<SoundEvent>
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open fun getSpeedFactor(): Float
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open fun getStateDefinition(): StateDefinition<Block, BlockState>
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open override fun getStateForPlacement(context: BlockPlaceContext): BlockState?
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open fun handlePrecipitation(state: BlockState, level: Level, pos: BlockPos, precipitation: Biome.Precipitation)
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open fun isEnabled(enabledFeatures: FeatureFlagSet): Boolean
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open fun isPossibleToRespawnInThis(state: BlockState): Boolean
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open override fun pickupBlock(@Nullable player: Player?, level: LevelAccessor, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState): ItemStack
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open override fun placeLiquid(level: LevelAccessor, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, fluidState: FluidState): Boolean
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open fun playerDestroy(level: Level, player: Player, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, @Nullable blockEntity: BlockEntity?, tool: ItemStack)
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open fun playerWillDestroy(level: Level, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, player: Player): BlockState
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open fun properties(): BlockBehaviour.Properties
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fun Block.registerBlock(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a block to the Minecraft registry with the resource location set to the Mod ID

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fun Block.registerBlockItem(modID: String, name: String): BlockItem

Registers an item to the Minecraft registry with the resource location set to the Mod ID

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fun Block.registerBlockWithItem(modID: String, name: String): Block

Registers a block & item to the Minecraft registry with the resource location set to the Mod ID

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open override fun requiredFeatures(): FeatureFlagSet
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open fun setPlacedBy(level: Level, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, @Nullable placer: LivingEntity?, stack: ItemStack)
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open fun stepOn(level: Level, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, entity: Entity)
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open override fun toString(): String
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open fun updateEntityAfterFallOn(level: BlockGetter, entity: Entity)
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open fun wasExploded(level: Level, pos: BlockPos, explosion: Explosion)
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fun withPropertiesOf(state: BlockState): BlockState